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Microgrant Program

The Woodlands Arts Council (TWAC) Microgrant programs enable & support artistic projects within the Montgomery County community with over $100,000 in impact since 2021.

For the second year, The Woodlands Arts Council Because Art Matters(BAM) Committee is excited to announce a partnership with The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion. This community partnership brings additional funding earmarked specifically for performing arts projects and applicants.

Important 2024 Dates:
September 5, 2024 Application Opens!
October 4, 2024 Application Closes!
December 9, 2024 - Applicants notified of funding decisions.

The Performing Arts Microgrant in partnership with The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion

Organizations, educators, and individuals in Montgomery County may apply for the funding of specific projects which further enable accessibility in the performing arts.

The Dr. David Gottlieb Education Microgrant

The Dr. David Gottlieb Education Microgrant seeks to support arts educators and arts organizations in funding projects that otherwise would not be possible.

The Artist Microgrant

Individual artists or art groups may apply for the funding of specific projects, or supplies which will enable further growth, or education in the visual and literary arts.
Applicants must be one of the following,
* An employee or representative of a public or, private school or nonprofit entity.
* A front-line educator or staff member whose main responsibility is to directly teach or counsel students/participants in the visual or performing arts, including (but not limited to): classroom teachers, subject-area teachers, librarians, therapists, counselors, etc.
* In charge of creating lesson plans, and not primarily assisting another lead teacher.
* An employee or representative of an arts-related nonprofit organization.

Applicants must be:
* 18 or older and
* A resident of Montgomery County and neighboring communities or seeking a grant for a project impacting residents of Montgomery County, and
* An artist working in any media within visual or performing arts.

Proposals will be reviewed within 60 days of the submission deadline.

The review committee will give priority to projects that:
* Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of the subject.
* Offer creative or innovative teaching methods.
* Motivate students or beneficiaries to exceed their own expectations.
* Work collaboratively with art colleagues or community groups.
* (Educators/Organizations) Submission of a completed project application by October 5, 2024, that details who your students or participants are, what resources or experience you plan to offer with a projected budget, and how this project will make a difference in your classroom or organization. The Arts Council expects to offer a single deadline during the 2024-25 fiscal year but may offer additional application timelines in future years.
* (Independent Artists) Projects and programs must be art or art oriented and can be applied to general expenses associated with artistic practice, including, but not limited to studio rental, production costs, exhibition related expenses or supplies, or other materials needed to complete an arts project. Funds will NOT be awarded for the following: fundraising initiatives, for-profit events, medical expenses, deficit reduction, capital improvements, political or sectarian activities or for organizations that prohibit accessibility, or scholarships or tuition to institutions of higher education.
* Expected timeline of project
* Submission of a letter of recommendation from your school principal or key executive via email by the October 5th deadline.
* Recipients will be required to submit a final report within 30 days of completion describing the impact of the project within the calendar year awarded.
* Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Grant applicants may be contacted with additional questions or requests for interviews with the grants review committee. The TWAC Board of Directors will make final decision concerning funding. Grant recipients may be requested to sign paperwork regarding the recipient’s creation and ownership of the project and any images and or intellectual property associated with the project; as well as publicity/photo/website/social media releases associated with the project; as well as publicity/photo/website/social media releases authorizing TWAC to use images of the artist and the work in future print and digital information as TWAC may choose.
For any questions regarding this application please reach out to ~ with MICROGRANT in the subject line.


When is the deadline?

When will applicants be notified of funding awards?

I'm not sure my project or idea qualifies?

What are the eligibility requirements?

What are the judges looking for from a letter of recommendation?

When is the Q+A?


How much money is awarded per grant?

When will funds be received?

Are awards only being given to performing arts projects?


Why do I need to submit a timeline?

What is required in the final report?

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